Short On Time But Want to Help?
There is a lot that goes on at the Section to ensure members receive exceptional service and are positioned to best manage Michigan's water.
From time to time, there will be time-limited tasks that you can help with. Everything from providing beta testing on an on-demand course, to providing assistance with researching a topic important to the Michigan water community, the Section will likely need your assistance in getting these tasks done. The Section hosts more than 40 events each year. You can help with either virtual or in-person events through registration, CEC monitoring, moderating a session, and more.
- Check -In at Events/Trainings/Networkings
- Event Moderating
- CEC Scanning
- Being a Greeter at Events
- Being a Host at Events
- Booth Volunteer at Joint Expo/MI-ACE – member & volunteer engagement/recruiting
- Badge stuffing for Events
- Stuffing Envelopes
- Water Works News Reviewing
- Social Media Engagement
- Take Pictures for Publications
- Joint Exp