Scholarships & Fellowships

One AWWA Operator Scholarship  |  Faust Scholarship  |  Freshman Scholarship  |  Fellowship for Water Quality and Treatment



One AWWA Operator Scholarship

In partnership with the Association, the Section is offering the One AWWA Operator Scholarship. This scholarship offers funds for either a student pursuing an education in water or for a water operator to continuing his or her professional development through structured training and college courses. Download the application here. Applications are due Oct 1. Please return to MI-AWWA, 2935 Buchanan Avenue SW Ste 1C, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49548 , or


Faust Scholarship

The Michigan Section American Water Works Association Raymond J. Faust Scholarship was established to promote the pursuit of advanced education by water utility employees, a goal which commemorates the water supply career of Raymond J. Faust with the State of Michigan and the American Water Works Association.

Endowed by the family of Raymond Faust, the Faust Scholarship is available to any Michigan water utility employees and their dependents as well as other individuals pursuing a water utility career. The scholarship award is based on demonstrated dedication to the water supply industry and to the pursuit of a bachelor or associate degree in the drinking water field. Applicants will not be evaluated on financial need, but must be a member of the Michigan Section American Water Works Association.

Applications are due by July 1 of the current year. Download the application here.


Freshman Scholarship

In appreciation for all our members do, the Michigan Section offers a scholarship specifically for high school seniors of Michigan Section members.

Applications are due by July 1 of the current year. Download the application here.

Fellowship for Water Quality and Treatment Research

The Michigan Section sponsors a fellowship for undergrad and graduate students. The goals of this fellowship are to stimulate greater involvement of Michigan’s academic institutions and their graduate and undergraduate students in the study of drinking water related fields and to encourage innovative solutions to priority problems of the drinking water community.

  1. Applicants must be attending an accredited Michigan college or university.
  2. Applicants may be graduate or undergraduate students, as well as students admitted to graduate school.
Selection Process

The entries will be evaluated by the Research & Technical Practices Review Team. Selections will be made based on the merits of the proposed study as well as the applicant’s academic achievements.


Funding will be provided from the general funds of the Michigan Section AWWA, which are derived from membership fees, registration fees, and corporate sponsorship.

Available Funds and Conditions

The Michigan Section AWWA offers two separate awards, one in the Undergraduate Fellowship Program and one in the Graduate Fellowship Program. Both programs are one year in length, with fellowships expected to be awarded in January. However, the dates are flexible to accommodate recipient’s academic needs.

Each award is $3,000, $2,000 of which is provided to the student as a stipend. The remaining $1,000 will be transferred into a university account, to be used by the sponsoring professor for research-related expenses. The institution should be able to set up this research account without overhead.

All applicants will also be awarded a one-year AWWA membership. Upon completion of the program, students are encouraged to submit a research paper or present their findings at an AWWA sponsored event. 

NOTE: The Fellowship for Water Quality and Treatment Research is not offered in 2025. Keep an eye out for more information in future editions of the Water Works News magazine and Water Works Update emails.