Products & Services

Great Lakes Sponsor The Great Lakes Sponsor is an all inclusive sponsorship level that allows you to sign up once and...
Price: $12,500
Lake Michigan Sponsor The Lake Michigan Sponsor is a premier sponsorship level that allows you to sign up once and...
Price: $8,000
Lake Superior Sponsor The Lake Superior Sponsor is a sponsorship level that allows you to sign up once and realize...
Price: $5,000
Lake Huron Sponsor The Lake Huron Sponsor is a sponsorship level that allows you to sign up once and realize...
Price: $3,000
MI-ACE Platinum Sponsorship
MI-ACE Platinum Sponsorship MI-ACE Platimun Sponsorship includes the following features: Complimentary registration for...
Price: $7,500
MI-ACE Gold Sponsorship
MI-ACE Gold Sponsorship Gold sponsorship for MI-ACE includes the following features: Complimentary registration for...
Price: $5,000
MI-ACE Silver Sponsorship
MI-ACE Silver Sponsorship Silver sponsorship for MI-ACE includes the following features: Complimentary registration for...
Price: $3,000
MI-ACE Bronze Sponsorship
MI-ACE Bronze Sponsorship Bronze sponsorship for MI-ACE includes the following features: Complimentary registration for...
Price: $2,000
Job Posting 30 Days Job posting 30 Day listing - once you purchase your job posting including all of the required...
Member Price: $0
Non-Member Price: $50
Donation General Donation Your financial support helps us to continue our mission of improving lives...
Suggested Donation: $25
General Donation General Donation Your financial support helps us to continue our mission of improving lives...
Suggested Donation: $25
One AWWA Operator Scholarship Donation One AWWA Operator Scholarship Donation MI-AWWA's One AWWA Operator Scholarship fund offers...
Suggested Donation: $100