

The Section's Annual Conference & Exhibits (MI-ACE ) offers 2 1/2 days of sessions, exhibits, and networking. Held each year the week after Labor Day, MI-ACE allows water professionals the opportunity to learn, network, and program solve.

Joint Expo & Operators Day

A collaboration with the Michigan Water Environment Association (MWEA), this is the premiere water conference in the Midwest.

Borchardt Conference

This triennial conference is a partnership with the University of Michigan, MWEA, and EGLE, offering 2 days of high level presentations on the latest research in water and wastewater. 

U.P. Water Conference (twice yearly)

This conference is held twice yearly (fall and spring) at the Island Resort and Casino in Harris, MI. 

Source Water Conference

A specialty conference focused on groundwater and surface water issues, this conference held every four years raises awareness and understanding of the latest factors affecting source water.