Making the Most of Your Membership

Extra Hands Are Always Needed!
  • Water Works News writer/reviewer - volunteers write articles and act as proof readers before issues go to press. You can write an article (technical or otherwise) or volunteer to act as one of the reviewers.
  • Work MI-ACE or Joint Expo - volunteer to work the registration desk or some other aspect of the conference or expo.
  • Moderate or host an event - help check in and welcome attendees, introduce speakers, and monitor chat and Q&A.
  • Join a Committee - if you're looking for long-term involvement to help compelte tasks and projects that support the Section's Strategic Plan.

Not quite sure what you want to do? Review the council and committee descriptions. There are always a number of groups, projects, and activities going on in which to get involved.

The quarterly Volunteer Welcome & Training Meeting is designed to orient all new Michigan Section volunteers to the larger American Water Works Association as well as the Michigan Section structure, and provide information on the Section’s Strategic Plan, partnerships, and how to get the most out of volunteering.

Ready for a leadership role? See the roles and responsibilitis of volunteer leaders at the Michigan Section. Want to know more or have questions? What interests you? Let us know you are interested in leadership and we can get you connected.


Ready to Get Involved?

Please reach out to a membership representative to get started. 

Membership Council Chair:
Frank Williams, Peerless Midwest

Membership Council Vice Chair:
Matthew Parks, OHM Advisors