Awards & Contests
Recent Awardees | Award Descriptions | Michigan Water Industry Hall of Fame | Competitions
MI-AWWA recognizes the exceptional dedication and contribution of its members to the water industry. The Section and the Association have robust recognition programs that celebrate professionals who have contributed to the water industry and/or the Section in a variety of ways. Awards are given based on merit criteria listed. Awards may not be presented if no qualified candidate is nominated. Nominations are accepted between February 1 and June 1 of each year. To make a nomination for any Section award, please use the nomination form.
Award Nominations are now open.
Click here to submit your nomination.
Results will be announced at MI-ACE in September.
Recent Awardees
Section Level Awards
AWWA Level Awards
Award Descriptions
Non-nominated Awards
These awards are given based on the criteria listed and are not subject to the nomination process.
- Executive Director Award
- This award is given to the volunteer who embodies the unique partnership between Section staff and volunteers.
- Tenure Awards
- Silver Water Drop is given to AWWA members who have reached their 25th year of membership.
- Gold Water Drop is given to AWWA members who have reached their 50th year of membership.
- Life Member Status is given to AWWA members who have reached their 25th year of membership and have retired.
Nominated Award
- MI-AWWA Professional Excellence Awards
- The Section looks to honor individuals, organizations, companies, project teams, or any other individual or group who made an exceptional contribution to the water industry. This award recognizes noteworthy efforts in protecting public health, promoting safe drinking water, innovative or creative ideas, or outstanding leadership characteristics. Up to four awards (two individuals and two groups/organizations) will be given each year. There is no criteria for years of service.
- Young Professional of the Year
- The Michigan Section of AWWA Young Professional of the Year Award recognizes the contributions of young members, whose service and achievements are exceptional for their years of experience. The award is given annually to one member of the organization that has demonstrated an active commitment to the organization and the profession as a whole.
- Raymond J. Faust Award
- The award recognizes one or more individuals for outstanding personal service in the water supply field. The award commemorates Raymond J. Faust for his contributions to safe public health engineering practices, his advancement of sound water supplies, and his dedication to building and promoting the waterworks industry of high esteem.
- George Warren Fuller Award
- This award is awarded to a water professional for distinguished service to the water sector in commemoration of the sound engineering skill, the brilliant diplomatic talent, and the constructive leader. George Warren Fuller Awards are presented annually by the American Water Works Association to the sections' respective selected members for their distinguished service to the water supply field in commemoration of the sound engineering skill, the brilliant diplomatic talent, and the constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller.
- Chuck Van Der Kolk Volunteer of the Year Award
- The award would recognize an individual for the volunteer contributions to the Section through one or more of the following: interaction with a variety of groups (staff, Councils, etc), providing long term exceptional service to the Section, performed a single action that has a large impact on the Section, or advanced the Section’s mission through talent and service.
- Michigan Water Industry Hall of Fame
- Established in 2013 by the Michigan Section, American Water Works Association (MI-AWWA), the purpose of the Michigan Water Industry Hall of Fame is to perpetuate the memory of those drinking water heroes who have made the most significant contributions to the field of public water supply in the state of Michigan. Visit the Hall of Fame here.
- Richard Husby Public Awareness Award
- This award recognizes a Michigan water utility, organization and/or individual for significant accomplishments in promoting awareness and understanding of the water supply issues among the general public, through the development and implementation of public education activities.
- Research and Technical Practices Award
- The Purpose of the Research and Technical Practices Award is to: 1.) Acknowledge outstanding research and technical practices 2.) Share research and technical practice findings among utilities 3.) Encourage new research.
- Operator Meritorious Service Award
- The Operator Meritorious Service Award recognizes individuals for special performance in one or more of the following areas: 1.) Continuous compliance with public health standards in finished water 2.) Consistent and outstanding contribution to plant maintenance; thereby prolonging the useful life of equipment 3.) The development of new and/or modified equipment or significant process modifications to provide for a more efficient or effective treatment 4.) Special efforts in the training of treatment plant operators 5.) Special acts, not directly related to water treatment, but which demonstrate dedication to the public beyond the normal operating responsibilities 6.) Consistent and outstanding contribution to operation and/or maintenance of distribution lines, pump stations, and reservoirs
- Exemplary Source Water Protection Award
- The AWWA Exemplary Source Water Protection Program Award recognizes a public water system that has developed and implemented model source water protection programs. The drinking water supply sources must be associated with a water system or authority that is regulated by a federal/state/province/tribe government agency. The award applies to systems using surface water and/or groundwater as their source.
- Wendell R. LaDue Safety Award
- The award, established in honor of Wendell R. LaDue, is presented to recognize distinguished water utility safety programs.
Michigan Water Industry Hall of Fame
Established in 2013 by the Michigan Section, the purpose of the Michigan Water Industry Hall of Fame is to perpetuate the memory of those drinking water heroes who have made the most significant contributions to the field of public water supply in the state of Michigan.
To be eligible for the award, a candidate should be beyond the age of 60 and have achievements, character, and professionalism that are well established. Contributions to the water supply profession may have been in any of the disciplines of the field. The award may be awarded posthumously.
Nominations are accepted between January 1 and March 31 of each year. Inductees are announced at the Section's annual conference. Downloand the nomination form.
2013 Louis Ayres John F. Dye Donald K. Shine Gardner S. Williams |
2014 Jack Borchardt Edward Dunbar Rich George Fenkell Eugene Glysson Clarence Hubbell Gerald Remus |
2015 Ervin Stahl |
2016 William A. Kelley |
2017 Gary Logsdon |
2018 William Dixon |
2019 Patsy Clark |
Sue McCormick |
2021 |
2022 Bruce Hawkinson |
2023 Warren Isaacson Bruce Hawkinson |
2024 Randall Roost Sidney Shank |
2025 Make a Nomination! |
2026 |
2027 |
We want you to have fun while helping hone your skills. There are a number of contests and competitions that you can get involved with at the state level and then if you win, at the national level. The work of members is serious business. AWWA hosts several contests. In order to compete at the national level, teams must compete and win here in Michigan first. Take a look at recent winners.
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Best Tasting Water in MichiganSubmit a water sample and see if your community has the best tasting water in Michigan. |
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Tapping TeamA team of three must tap into a line and the line must hold water pressure. |
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Meter ChallengeHere you can work with a partner to assemble a meter from a bucket of parts. And of course you're racing against the clock - go! |
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Hydrant HysteriaHydrant Hysteria is a fast-paced competition where two-member teams assemble a specified hydrant as quickly as they can. |
State winner of the Best Tasting Water in Michigan for 2024 was Negaunee Township. Congratulations!
Best Tasting Water in Their Region 2024
East Region (Livonia Spring Regional) - City of Ann Arbor
West Region (Grand Rapids Spring Regional) - Plainfield Charter Township
Northern Lower Peninsula Region (Gaylord Spring Regional) - Mancelona Area Water and Sewer Authority
Upper Peninsula - Negaunee Township