Borchardt Conference
May 23-24, 2023 | Ann Arbor, MI
May 23-24, 2023 | Rackham Building - University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Every three years the Michigan-based Borchardt Conference brings together a diverse group of engineers, scientists, public health specialists and students to present and discuss the latest issues and advances in water and wastewater technology. This is the premier triennial event emphasizes applied research and real life experience in environmental engineering and water utility operations. The Borchardt Conference is co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Department of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, MI-AWWA, MWEA and EGLE. CECs and PDHs will be awarded for this conference.
See the recent announcement on the Borchardt-Glysson Water Treatment Innovation Prize Awarded to Detlef Knappe.
Michigan continuing education credits: Drinking water approved for 0.5 CECs. Waste water approved for up to 1.0 CECs.
Professional Engineers may earn up to 10 professional development hours (PDHs). Proof of attendance and reporting is the responsibility of each individual PE.
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