Volunteer Leaders
Roles & Responsibilities
MI-AWWA Board of Trustees
Each spring you can nominate someone, including yourself, to get on the Board ballot. Voting happens in the fall at the Annual Business Meeting. The Chair position includes three one-year terms served consecutively in each position of Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair.
Council chairs and vice chairs are appointed by the incoming chair of the Board for the coming year. The remaining members of the councils are selected by the chair of the Board in collaboration with the chair of each council. If you're interested in sitting on a council, contact one of the council members to express your interest.
If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get some work done, joining a committee or task force or volunteering for a special project is for you. You can opt in any time by contacting the chair of the group.
Have a question? Email Section Staff at info@mi-water.org.